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Sardar's and Jurassic Park This sardarji
goes to the see Jurassic Park and when the Dinosaurs start approaching he is cowering in his seat when his friend
asks him "kyon sardarji,
kya baat hai? Dar kyon lag
raha hai cinema hi to hai" (What Sardarji? Are you afraid of the cinema?).Sardarji
replies "Aadmi hoon aur
akkal hai, pata hai ki cinema hai lekin
voh to janwar hai, usko
kya pata "( I am an intelligent(?) man, I know it is a movie, but does that animal know?)
Malayalee's confusion Once, in a village in
Kerala, there
lived two identical brothers. They looked very much alike in every respect
and the villagers often had trouble distinguishing between them. Unfortunately, one of them died. Sankaran
Kutti, our hero, decided to visit the grief-stricken family and console
them. Now, there was a problem. Sankaran was not sure which of the brothers
had died. Our ever-resourceful hero solved the
problem ingeniously. He walked upto the surviving sibling and asked amidst
tears - "Is it you who is dead or is it your Brother ?"
Sardar takes xerox 6. Do u know what surdarji will do if he wants a white paper
? (he
already has one and he wants one more..) He takes a Xerox of
the white paper !!!